Thursday, 1 January 2015


Traditional, isn't it?

Make a resolution on New Year's Day, break it by February.

I have been trying to find some resolve somewhere, but it lacking somewhat.

I did think about dieting, but since I was already on a diet that fell somewhat flat. As a contribution towards lower-carb living however, I have now cleaned the house out of carbohydrates by eating all of my (yes, my darling and I do have separate supplies) remaining sugar-filled chocolate, and all of the cruskits.

Of course, up until then I had successfully managed to not eat any of these things just through self-control or something so in making that plan I appear to have stuffed up my diet plans instead.

Oh well, onto another one.

I already know that I'll be publishing a book at the end of this month, so that option is out of scope (unless I want a given.) I could make resolutions to publish more, but I've already started the next so it feels like it's all ticking over nicely.

I received a promotion in my day job at the end of December so there's another big tick already gone. I'm also trying not to think about work and about how I have to go back to it shortly so I definitely don't want to make any work plans on my last few days of holiday.

There's something wriggling around in the back of my head about how I should probably do more exercise, but as it would be almost impossible to do less than I currently do that doesn't really count for anything. And no, I'm never going to compete in a marathon so get away from me with your big-goal suggestions.

I do need to plant the feijoa tree in the front garden tomorrow so that it has a chance at a happy life. Will that work? I feel that's on par with resolving to cook tea tomorrow though. Just another chore that needs to get done otherwise a living thing will die.


This, of course, is miles better than the good ole years when every year I could announce I was giving up drinking and smoking and never really mean it.

Maybe not having a plethora of resolutions at hand is actually a sign of progress and I should embrace it.

I resolve to do nothing because I'm pretty much perfect as it stands.

Yeah. 2015. Bring. It. On.

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